May 2012 Seaside Devotions Archive

May 30, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the storms were close to the horizon -- coming close, but I was up for the challenge of the walk. Today was not the day to give up, but one that I intended to win the war of the walk. I was going to win this battle!

Throughout the Bible, you read of people who had amazing challenges but were able to face them with astonishing confidence and assurance. Moses, Joshua, David, Paul -- all faced terrible odds but did not falter. How was it possible?

The answer is not found in their strength, but in the might of the One they believed in wholeheartedly. They all trusted God and realized that no matter how bad the situation, He could overcome it.

You should have confidence for the same reason. No matter what God calls you to do, you will see the victory and the wonderful blessings He has for you as long as you obey Him. You may not have great earthly resources, but you have God, and He makes you a winner every time.

Psalm 20:4 -- May He give you what you desire and make all your plans succeed.

Blessings and peace,

May 29, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the warm glow of the sun made me know that I was not alone. I felt loved and as I shared the glory of the morning watching the new day my Father was creating for me! I felt especially loved and special in my Father's eyes.

I thought of what it means to feel really loved. It has been speculated that intelligent women prefer to be perceived as physically attractive and that good-looking women wish to be seen as clever. Yet what most women truly desire is to be accepted. Adored. Cherished. Loved.

That's exactly what you are when you take refuge in God. As you spend time with Him, He envelopes you in His majesty and grace, and His splendor shines through you. You become not only pretty, but beautiful; not just smart, but wise. Not only accepted, adored, cherished, and loved -- but merciful, gentle, joyful, and loving.

Therefore, instead of worrying about whether you are smart or pretty, rejoice that you're clothed in God's mantle of love. Because that, friend, is what makes you truly exceptional.

Psalm 5:11 -- Let all those who take refuge and put their trust in You rejoice; let them ever sing and shout for joy, because You make a covering over them and defend them.

Blessings and peace,

May 28, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the warm water washing over my feet on the sand gave me a total feeling of love from my Father. The gentle splashing of the waves brought peace and joy to my heart as His love covered me!

After all, just knowing God is such a privilege. Although some have the good fortune of meeting with presidents and prime ministers, few are invited into their inner sanctuary -- and no one is eternally changed by the encounter.

Yet God invites you to know Him in the most profound way possible and to embrace His best for your life. The Creator of the universe beckons you to be transformed by His divine mercy, wisdom, and provision, and to know the unlimited power and love that have been made available to you.

Spending time in God's presence is a precious gift -- one that you have been given to enjoy at any moment, no matter the hour or the reason. Therefore, do not decline His invitation. It is the best appointment you will keep all day.

Psalm 2:12 -- Blessed (happy, fortunate, and to be envied) are all those who seek refuge and put their trust in Him!

Blessings and peace,

May 27, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, a beautiful flamingo flew over me. The bird was so colorful, and certainly one that I had never seen before. What a unique and colorful creature, surely one of the most unique birds I had ever seen.

It made me think of how wonderfully we are also made. So today before you look in the mirror and pick yourself apart, think about this wonderful truth: God finds you lovely. He created every detail that makes you unique -- your personality, giftedness, and traits -- with loving care, and He is enthralled with what He has accomplished.

You are precious to God. Filled with potential, every facet of who you are is beautiful to Him Yet what He loves most about you is that your heart, which has been cleansed with His forgiveness and covered with His righteousness, now longs to know, honor, and obey Him.

So as you look in the mirror, praise Him for how He made you, even those things you wish you could change. Then gaze into His face and realize that your beauty is really a reflection of His.

Psalm 45:11 -- The king is enthralled by your beauty; honor Him, for He is your Lord.

Blessings and peace,

May 26, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I felt so thankful for the blessing of knowing that my life belongs to Him. I have the honor of serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, who created this beautiful seashore that gives me such a vivid picture of His glory every day!

I just wanted to bring my life to Him as a gift today... after all it is customary to bring a gift when we visit the heads of state. So today my gift to the King of Kings was my heart! Certainly no mediocre offering will do. You must present the dignitary with a meaningful item that represents your respect for them and I wanted to give Him my best!

Unfortunately, most people do not approach God with the same reverence. Whereas people will offer their best to earthly leaders, they believe their Creator will be satisfied with the leftovers. They give Him a few seconds of prayer, a minute or two of Bible reading, and an honorable mention now and again, and they think it is enough.

When all other rulers have turned to dust, He remains Lord of all. God deserves your absolute best. So stop presenting Him with halfhearted offerings. Give God His rightful place in your life and truly honor Him.

Psalm 47:7 -- God is the King of the whole earth. Make your best music for Him!

Blessings and peace,

May 23, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the sea gulls were making all kinds of noise as they flew above the ocean waves. It was as though they were sending many messages to one another, but I was not sure they were being heard by any of the other ocean creatures.

In the same way, we receive many messages every day -- people expressing their opinions on television, radio, and in conversation. Many have strong views and make viable cases for why you should have the same outlook as theirs. God cautions you to be wise and not believe all you hear.

God is straightforward in His approach to right and wrong -- and you can be sure that anything that contradicts His Word is false and destructive. So do not get caught in the trap of thinking He does not really care what you do. He will not ignore your unfaithfulness.

The Lord has only the best in mind for your life, and He is motivated to see you enjoy it. However, it all begins with your obedience to Him. Therefore, do as He says, because He really is worth following

Psalm 72:1-2 -- Give the gift of wise rule to the king, O God... May he judge your people rightly, be honorable to your meek and lowly.

Blessings and peace,

May 22, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus yesterday, it was in the evening, at the end of the day. The sunset was glorious and colored like never before.

The sunset is one of God's magnificent wonders. Sweeping across the horizon as if painted by God's own hand, it imbues the receding sunlight with indescribable splendor and signals that one day is giving way to another -- a celestial changing of the guard.

Your life is full of days as well, but you seldom pass as smoothly from one to the other. You fail to view the sunsets in your life in the same way you do the sunrises. Endings can be just as beautiful as beginnings if you allow God to open the eyes of your understanding. When you truly realize the miracle of the sunset, you will no longer cling to the remains of the day. You will instead revel in its beauty celebrating life to its fullest.

Psalm 119:73 -- Thy hands have made me and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn thy commandments.

Blessings and peace,

May 19, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the sun was rising out of the ocean creating another glorious day. Another glorious day full of life and adventure with Jesus!

Each day we have the opportunity to look at life through His eyes, or the world's. To see a life in the Kingdom of God, full of glory, abundance, new life. This is what we should express to a world that is full of lack, death, unrest, and weariness. Lfe -- abundant life! What a gift we have to share with those we meet every day. That is our job as His ambassadors in the earth -- to bring life and light to every person we touch.

As you walk your seashore of life today, see how many gifts of the life God gave you that you can give away. Today is your opportunity to represent Him in the earth! Take that opportunity and change the world today -- one soul at a time! They are waiting for you!

John 10:10 -- "I have come that they might have life and have it more abundantly!"

Blessings and peace,

May 16, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the sky was perfectly lit up with sun rays that were more than just bright! They seemed to explode with His glory flowing into the ocean's waves on this day!

There will be times when it is hard to contain the love you feel for God. Sunshine warms your face, a gentle breeze blows softly, and suddenly you are reminded of all the times you have experienced His blessings. They are more than you can number.

He sustains you when trouble comes. He moves quickly to lift you up whenever you fall and cry out to Him. He protects you as you drive along busy thoroughfares. When you wonder if He is listening to the prayers of your heart, He shows up in some miraculous way, letting you know that He hears every word.

He is God, and the earth is full of His glory. He also is the Lord who loves you with an everlasting love. So trust Him, because He is truly faithful.

Psalm 57:5 -- Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens? May your glory shine over all the earth.

Blessings and peace,

May 15, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the wind was kicking up and the sand was blowing against my face... but I was determined to finish the journey. I refused to give up on the walk this morning.

You face many challenges every day -- some are exciting, some routine, and others may be quite difficult. While there are times of instability that will assail your life, there is one truth that never changes: God is your eternal strength and your present help. Nothing you face takes Him by surprise.

God has never been unfaithful to you, and He never will be. If He has asked you to wait for His answer to come, then it is because He has something far better for you than you can imagine.

Thoughts of doubt may tempt you to believe that He is not watching over your life; however, if He knows when a sparrow falls to the earth, then He certainly knows your every need.

Psalm 59:9-10 -- O my Strength, I watch for you; you, O God, are my fortress, my loving God. God will go before me.

Blessings and peace,

May 14, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the waves were huge and rolling. In the distance a young surfer was trying again and again to surf but he kept falling into the waves. But he did not give up!

At first glance, a task may seem too great for you. You try to make a schedule, but confusion and fear set in. Before you know it, you feel tempted to run. However, deep within your heart, God is saying, "Stay where you are. Trust me, I'll help you."

God's desire is to guide you at every turn in life, and He has promised to lead you past places of difficulty and extreme pressure in order to prove His faithfulness. You never have to be afraid, because He promises to provide all you need.

Are you facing an overwhelming challenge today? Have faith in the One who has all you need to achieve the victory. He will not fail you; rather, He will lead you to triumph -- so trust Him.

Psalm 60:12 -- With God's help we will do mighty things.

Blessings and peace,

May 13, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched a pelican dive again and again, trying to capture a fish for lunch. He missed several times, but finally the third time, he made the catch!

Every day, you will face challenges -- some of them are simple to solve, while others are more trying. There will be times when you will want to rush ahead of God -- even though you do not have a clear path.

However, He has allowed that difficulty so that you will learn to trust Him at a deeper level -- seeking Him consistently for your needs. His timing in your situation is perfect and if you move too quickly, you risk missing His best.

If you seek Him daily and wait for Him to work on your behalf, you will discover that your waiting is not in vain. Therefore, when trouble comes, ask Him to show you how to deal with the matter and allow Him to draw you even closer through it.

Psalm 62:5-6 -- For God alone, O my soul, wait in silence, for my hope is from Him He only is my rock and my salvation, my fortress; I shall not be shaken.

Blessings and peace,

May 12, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the sun seemed unusually slow in rising out of the ocean. But wow, once it was fully exposed, what a beautiful sight to see! Amazing! God knew the exact timing for the sunrise on this glorious day!

God waits for the perfect time to work. Up until the moment you see Him in action, you may fear He's forgotten the situations that weigh so heavily on your heart. He knows exactly what He is doing -- and success is forthcoming.

In time, you will see how He has been working in the unseen. However, His instruction to you right now is a simple command to be steadfast and true to Him. In other words, do not forfeit your faith. Even though you do not see the evidence of His hand at work, He is committed to honoring His promises to you.

God has a plan, and at the right moment, you will see it unfold. He will work all things together for your good in due time.

Psalm 75:6-7 -- Not from the east nor from the west nor from the south come promotion and lifting up, But God is the Judge! He puts down one and lifts up another.

Blessings and peace,

May 11, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I stubbed my foot on a sharp shell and it hurt! I continued my walk but could not forget the pain throbbing on my foot.

It is like the mistakes we make in life. We try to forget them but there may be people in your life who never allow you to forget what you have done wrong. Every time you make a mistake, they are quick to pounce -- reminding you of the ways you have failed.

However, God isn't like that. Whenever a believer repents He says, "I'll wipe the slate clean. I'll forget they ever sinned!" (Jeremiah 31:34)

Of course, maybe the person who is always reminding you of your faults is... you.

Don't do this to yourself. God forgives you, and when He says your sins have been erased forever, there isn't a trace of them left in your life. Therefore, pardon yourself and learn from your errors. Then praise Him for all the grace He has shown you.

Psalm 103:12 -- As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.

Blessings and peace,

May 10, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I found myself hurrying because of the list of things to do today. What a waste of the ocean time with Jesus... I quickly stopped and made the most of the moment with Him during my walk.

Do you ever feel as if time is your enemy? There is either too little of it when deadlines assail, or too much when waiting for some blessed hope. Yet understand that time is not your foe. Rather, it is a precision instrument that God uses in your life to develop your potential.

Through abbreviated seasons, when there isn't enough time to get everything done, He shows you His mighty wisdom, power, and mercy. During the long years of waiting -- while every emotion is tested -- He molds your faith and character.

Time isn't your enemy, friend. Time is merely a tool in God's hand to reveal Himself to you in a new way. His grace is sufficient for every moment of your life. So trust Him and look to Him whenever you are in need.

Psalm 102:13 -- It is time to be gracious to her, for the appointed time has come.

Blessings and peace,

May 9, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the ocean was glorious and powerful. I thought of how God separated the Red Sea and let His children walk across on dry land... what a powerful thought!

Nothing in this world can bind individuals together like a vibrant faith in Jesus. In fact, the normal things that divide people tend to melt away when they allow the abundant love of Christ to flow through them.

Believers were always meant to be unified. In fact, Revelation 7:9-19 says that one day people from "every race, tribe, nation, and language" will together call "out in a loud voice: Salvation comes from our God, who sits on the throne, and from the Lamb!"

So next time you feel lonely or as if you don't belong, reach out to another Christian and ask what Jesus is doing I their life. Soon enough, you will find your hearts knit together in songs of praise to the Lord.

Psalm 100:1-2 -- Shout praises to the Lord, everyone on this earth. Be joyful and sing as you come in to worship the Lord.

Blessings and peace,

May 7, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the ocean was more beautiful than ever as the rays of glory shone on the water. It was as though God had opened a fountain to pour more beauty out on this day!

God is evident in a tear or in a far-off whistle. He is in the twinkle of a stranger's eye and in a certain shade of blue. He is in the warmth of a handshake and in the missing front teeth of a five-year-old. He is between the lines of a handwritten letters and in the nervous laughter of teenage girls. He is in the invisible arc made by a hawk on a fine autumn day. He is the energy you use to write your to-do lists, and He is in the itch to take a break in the middle of the day.

God surrounds you with reminders of His presence. He is in kept promises and acts of love and mercy. God is in every sigh, whisper, and exclamation. God is by you now!

Psalm 145:5 -- I will meditate about your glory, splendor, majesty, and miracles.

Blessings and peace,

May 6, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the tiny bird on the beach was not like any I had ever seen. He was beautiful and colorful, but I could not identify him... which is how we are at times when we cannot identify who we are!

The central questions in life -- Who am I? What am I? Why was I born? -- are troubling until you find the answers that ring true for you. These questions can be difficult for those who have no foundation in faith. Being human, you require meaning in your life; and if you do not find it, you are sometimes tempted to feel that life is not worth the effort.

You can only find the answers to these questions as you grow in your relationship with God. God is the one who made you, and He is the one who holds the key to your life. He will reveal to you the purpose for which you were created. You discover that you are God's child and an heir to all His love and grace and mercy.

Psalm 34:8 -- O taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.

Blessings and peace,

May 5, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the waves washed over my feet as I wandered into the water. It felt good on my feet as I was reminded that He also washes over our souls to forgive us of all the little and big things we do wrong in our lives. I truly felt Him put His finger on my heart.

No one knows you like God; every secret wish, shameful weakness, latent talent, or buried pain is plainly displayed before Him. He loves you in the fullness of who you are, forgiving you of every sin, protecting you from every adversity. He is there to pick you up and dust you off. He is there to guard and protect you.

You may think you need more money; He may know that what you really need is to reorient your priorities. You may be disappointed because you didn't get a job or you missed an opportunity; He may know that what you think is not in your best interest. His mercies are mighty. If you let Him, He salves all your hurts in an intimate, knowing, and kind way.

Psalm 145:9 -- The Lord is good to all; and His tender mercies are over all His works.

Blessings and peace,

May 3, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the sun was shining brightly on the waves... looking like diamonds along the seashore. It seemed the world was in perfect harmony on this morning!

One of the irresistible things about God is how He often gives you the desires of your heart. When your life is fully committed to Him, He blesses you. This is because the closer you are to Him, the more you realize the things of the world are unworthy of your attention. Rather, you want to enjoy His pleasures.

You will also notice that the more you surrender your life to Him, the more you sense His personal care for you. You experience His blessings in a new way, and may even begin to wander what you have done to receive so much from Him.

That is the way He is -- God gives good things to His children. When your life is committed to Him, He provdes for every need you have and much more.

Psalm 107:30 -- They were glad when it grew calm, and He guided them to their desired heaven.

Blessings and peace,

May 2, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the seagull kept diving but didn't seem able to catch his fish for lunch. I watched him dive again and again... being relentless to complete the task.

Have you ever felt like giving up? Most people have. The truth is, if you live long enough, you will battle thoughts of discouragement, but you do not have to give in to them. There is hope even when the landscape of your life appears dark and stormy. The psalmist cried out to God, and he was saved from his distress.

What was the key to his turnaround? He acknowledged his situation to God and proclaimed his faith in God. Instead of being "me focused", he was God focused. When you are tempted to keep going, pushing to resolve a difficult issue -- stop. Go to God in prayer and cry out to Him. You will find that clouds of disheartenment quickly evaporate in His presence.

Psalm 107:13-14 -- They cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved then from their distress. He brought them out of darkness and the deepest gloom and broke away their chains.

Blessing and peace,

May 1, 2012

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, a tiny sand piper went back and forth along the beach as though he was confused. He really seemed to not know which way to go along the seashore.

We get confused as well. Many people are tangled up in their thoughts because they have forgotten what God has promised them in the Bible. You do not have to follow the same path. God wants you to understand that His mercies are new every morning and that He will provide for you in miraculous ways as you travel through life.

One way He does so is through the Bible, which contains all the hope and wisdom you need for each day. The Bible was written for you, and the truth it contains is just as powerful today as when it was first penned. God promises to love, provide for, and guide you each day.

Psalm 105: 40-42 -- He brought quail and satisfied them with bread from heaven. He opened a rock, and water gushed out; it flowed like a stream in the desert. For He remembered His holy promise.

Blessings and peace,