November 2010 Seaside Devotions Archive

November 30, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I could fill the reasurring love of my Father washing over me, just as the water washed over the soft sand.

What a comforting thought -- to know that God always does precisely as He says. He has unfailingly kept every pledge to His people since the beginning and He is doing so with you as well.

What you are not guaranteed is that God will always act as you expect Him to, or on the time table you expect. After all, He is the God of time.

In fact, because He has an eternal focus, you are assured that He will accomplish His plans in a manner that exceeds your expectations. You will see your heart's desires come to fruition in a way that brings you supernatural joy and peace.

Today as you walk your seashore of life, trust that God will do exactly as He promised -- and that there is nothing on earth, or in heaven, that can stop Him. What He put in place will come to pass if you keep your eyes on Him... trust Him and cheer up!

Acts 27:25 -- "Cheer up! I am sure that God will do exactly what He promised!"

Blessings and peace,

November 29, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the silence was overwhelming. I wanted to hear the voice of God, but there was only silence.

There is nothing that can cause anxiety like silence. You can pray to God with faith and passion about something dear to you, and then you hear absolutely nothing. Soon your hope begins to fade away.

Yet, God heard you and has been preparing an answer since the first moment you prayed. Just because there is no visible evidence of His work in your situation does not mean He is ignoring you or has rejected your request.

On the contrary, He has taken your pleas to heart and is working diligently to provide what you need. Today, as you walk your seashore of life, do not despise or fear the silence, because God is most certainly sending His answer.

Daniel 10:12 -- "Don't be afraid! God has listened to your prayers since the first day you humbly asked for understanding, and He has sent me here."

Blessings and peace,

November 28, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, my focus was on the joy of being able to walk freely and enjoy life with my Lord and Savior! What a blessing!

It will come as no surprise to you that much of your success is dependent upon your focus. However, it may astonish you that what Jesus centered on -- what brought him victory -- was joy!

He was able to face the cross by looking past it to the wonderfully joyous prospect of offering you a relationship with God and doing God's will.

And so, knowing the delight God takes in you, be happy to fix your concentration on Him today. Then, no matter what happens, He is the joy ahead of you. And focusing on Him will give you a greater success than any other, because you will share in His certain and eternal triumph.

Hebrews 12:2 -- "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross."

Blessings and peace,

November 27, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I saw the dolphins playing, the sand pipers feeding along the shoreline... every one peaceful and in harmony.

Isn't it amazing the harmony God planned for the world, and yet so many of us do not have the peace of God He planned for us. We walk in worry, anxiety, fretfulness, anger... not the peace He promised us for this life, especially during this holiday season.

Why can we not trust Him and let Him be the Lord in our lives? He is our peace! As we focus on His word, He promises that we can have peace amidst the world of turmoil that we live in. We can take Him at His Word. If He says we can have peace in the storm, we can have it! Why don't we take that peace and apply it in our lives daily? Why do we try to carry what only He can carry?

Today as you walk your seashore of life, no matter what you may be facing, remember that He has provided a peace that will cover any obstacles that try to rob you of your joy! Today, rely on the peace that your Father has provided. It is truly the way to live victoriously in this world today, among the storms of life! Peace -- is yours from your Father!

Phillipians 4:6-7 -- "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Blessings and peace,

November 26, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I simply reflected on all I had to be thankful for in this season. I was thankful for the life He has provided and all the challenges He has brought me through this year.

There are so many circumstances in life that will consume every bit of our energy when we try to carry them ourselves. They are real and pressing, all-consuming and painful. No matter what you do, your situation is in the forefront of your mind. You simply can't shake it.

Your loved ones may be supportive, but you cannot expect them to comfort you every time the anxieties surface or the tears begin to flow. They get weary and so do you.

It is in those times that you must draw upon God's comfort, strength, and wisdom. Others will let you down, but God never will. So today, during this season, call upon His unflagging love morning, noon, and night -- whenever you need Him. He is always ready to help you... especially during this time of year. Draw close to Him and be thankful!

Psalm 55:17 -- "At dusk, dawn, and noon I sigh deep sighs – He hears, He rescues."

Blessings and peace,

November 25, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the ocean was sparkling with crystals dancing on the water. The atmosphere was charged with power from above.... the creation was alive and I felt it as my feet touched the sand. I could feel the Father telling me I could accomplish all things with Him!

It is amazing what can happen when you get into an atmosphere where people build you up rather than tear you down, where people encourage and challenge you to be the best you can be. Spend time with people who inspire you to reach for new heights. If you associate with successful people, before long their enthusiasm will be contagious and you will catch that vision. If you stay in an atmosphere of victory, you will develop a winning mind-set. If you hang around people of faith, your own faith will increase.

Today it is time for you to soar with the eagles rather than pecking around with the chickens. If you will do your part by continually contemplating the goodness of God, living with faith and expectancy, God will take you places you've never even dreamed of.

1 Samuel 23:16 -- "And Saul's son Jonathan went to David at Horesh and helped him find strength in God."

Blessings and peace,

November 23, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the beach was deserted with the exception of a lone sandpiper wandering close to the water.

The beach is always a great place to find yourself alone with God. He is always there, waiting to speak, in that still small voice... to have fellowship with Him, just to be His child walking the beach! It is such a blessing to know that He will meet you wherever you are.

Your beach may be in the city, or the country, but He is not limited by where you live but where you are in your heart. He wants open hearts that He can touch with His finger of love, to gently open places we hold on to... to tenderly heal past hurts, and things we are holding on to... to release that so we can be free. Isn't it love from a Father that we all need?

Psalm 40:8 -- "I delight to do Your will, O my God, and Your law is within my heart."

Blessings and peace,

November 22, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I felt hurried in my spirit... not really enjoying the beauty but preoccupied with all I had to do. I felt my spirit saying, "Slow down and listen."

At times we hurry through life, missing the moments God is opening before us. The doors of opportunity don't seem to open quite fast enough for us... especially when the need is great. We come to the edge of our wits, strength, and resources; we wonder if there is something else we can do to hurry the situation along.

The great temptation is to disregard God's leadership and forge ahead, creating our own mediocre solutions. However, the doors of God's best blessings can't be forced open or hurried.

There are times for stepping out in faith and times to wait and be patient. God will provide us what is necessary for our situation. Listen to the quiet voice of God saying to wait and trust Him. Don't hurry -- after all, no one can close the doors of blessing God has for you.

Psalm 27:14 -- Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord."

Blessings and peace,

November 21, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched the sandpipers chasing the waves for their food... never worrying that there might not be enough. They instead, trusted the Father to always meet their need.

When I read the Psalms, I am always reminded that they are about trusting God. That is because the Psalms were written by real people who had real emotions and real struggles, just like you and I. When they cried out to the living God, He truly helped them and vindicated their faith in Him.

You should never forget that. Though the Psalms are beautiful and poetic, they are the authentic feelings and experiences of people just like you and me. Just as the psalmists trusted in God and saw His victorious provision, so can we.

Whatever your need is today, there is most likely a Psalm that echoes your emotions and fear. And undoubtedly, its conclusion is this: trust God. The psalmists did, and so should we.

Psalm 28:7 -- The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my hearts trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to Him."

Blessings and peace,

November 20, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched a pelican take a fish out of the mouth of a small sea gull that had caught his own fish... the pelican was much larger with more capacity to catch his own fish, but instead he took from the small bird. What a selfish act for the oversized creature.

What happens when in real life, we have those that are bigger and stronger take from us when we have worked to make a way, trusting the Lord to help us. Do we become bitter, angry? Do we sit and feel sorry for ourselves, or do we get back in the game of life.

It was such an act of selfishness that we see every day in life -- the bigger ones gobble up the smaller ones, destroying lives destroying hope... and yet it is the time we must trust God to be the avenger for us. He knows where we are in life, and He knows how to take us into the next step He has planned for us. He knows how to equip us to take back what the enemy has stolen from us -- and He gives us the ability to trust Him in all things.

Whatever giant you are facing today, anger, apathy, fear, sorrow... get into God's word and find your promise from the Father and stand on that Word! He is waiting for you to focus on Him and see what the Lord can do! Don't stay out of the water, get back in and take your place in Him.

1 Samuel 17: 47 -- "....for the battle is the Lord's, and He will give you into our hands."

Blessings and peace,

November 19, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the clouds were dark and lit with lightning... and the waves seemed to roar as though He was speaking directly to me from the heavens above!

At the sound of His voice, the winds and the waves obey and calm down. At His command, the rains fall or the rivers recede.

He spoke, and day and night; heaven and earth; animals, birds, and fish; flowers, plants and trees; and man and woman were created. He opened His mouth and the stars appeared -- and the entire universe with them.

When God speaks, all of creation responds and trembles. His word is powerful -- it is the foundation for everything that exists. So listen to Him and don't be afraid when His voice shakes you. Embrace His message, because He's creating things for you that are better than anything you can imagine.

Psalm 29:4, 8 -- "The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is full of majesty... The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness."

Blessings and peace,

November 18, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched the dolphins swim up the waves, then watched them turn and swim back down... back and forth -- like they couldn't decide which way to continue.

Each day we also have the opportunity to make choices in how we live. Whenever you make a choice, you declare what's important to you and progress in a definite direction. This is because you've either elected to honor God or serve something else.

What about the mundane choices? Does it matter where you eat lunch or what you wear to work? In such cases, it is always best to ask yourself, "Is there anything about my selection that God would object to? Are there any godly principles that would help me pick a better alternative?"

Often, it's not the major decisions that change the course of your life, but the little ones you make daily. So honor God with all your choices -- His way will always be your best option.

Psalm 66:18 -- "If I had bee cozy with evil, the Lord would never have listened."

Blessings and peace,

November 17, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched a tiny black diving duck stand on the pier, with his wings spread wide and facing the sun. All of a sudden the Lord revealed to me that after the little duck dives deep, he comes to the sun to dry his wings to keep from being stopped in flight due to his wings being so drenched. I was amazed by the revelation as I sat quietly waiting for God to speak.

A strange and wonderful thing occurs as you spend time with God -- circumstances begin to make sense to you that never did before, like the little creature sitting there spreading his wings in the sun. Your spirit becomes sensitive to the important details of life, and you can discern how certain situations will turn out.

This is not about supernatural premonitions. Rather, your heightened perception has to do with understanding God's will for you -- seeing His activity in your life with spiritual eyes.

When your gaze is fixed on the Lord, you know where He's taking you, what He's teaching you, and the ways He's transforming your life. So spend time with Him every day and allow His wisdom to shed light on your path!

Psalm 25:4-5 -- "Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths, guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long."

Blessings and peace,

November 16, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, again I watched the waves that seemed endless... just like the power of God. He has no limits to what He wants to do for you... it requires our trust!

God heard the Israelites' cries when they were slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt. He prepared Moses to be their deliverer. He sent ten plagues to convince Pharaoh to set them free. God even parted the Red Sea to help the Israelites escape from the Egyptian army when they had no place to go. They had reached the end of their rope and their hope.

After He had done so much for the Israelites, they should have known that His love and power were absolutely limitless -- and that He would provide all they needed as they continued their journey with God.

And so should you and I -- learn to trust the Lord of the universe with our lives. Today, be confident that God will do all that He has promised to you. Trust Him and be patient. Soon you will see everything He has said come true for you as you focus on Him.

Numbers 11:23 -- "Is the Lord's power limited? Now you shall see whether My word will come true for you."

Blessings and peace,

November 14, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, two little puppies ran along the beach, playing with one another running in and out of the waves. You could feel the love between them... it was such a reminder of God's love for us.

God loves you, and that love for you is unlimited. You may have to earn love from others -- or even work hard to maintain it. But not for God's love. He offers it to you freely and never stops caring for you.

Always remember that it's you who rejects or turns away from God. He will never forsake you or withhold His love from you. That is the nature of unconditional love -- it is given because it flows from God's character and has absolutely nothing to do with your actions. His love is always with you, in hopes that you will receive it.

So today, my friend, embrace God's love. Forget your fears and feel His love's overwhelmingly wonderful power. Then, love Him back.

Psalm 98:3 -- "He has remembered His love and His loyalty to the people of Israel. All the ends of the earth have seen God's power to save."

Blessings and peace,

November 13, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, my focus was on the joy of being able to walk freely and enjoy life with my Lord and Savior! What a blessing to walk with Him daily, along the seashore of life, talking to Him, giving any problems to Him, praising Him, and worshipping Him daily! What a privilege we have to be His children that are free to come to Him any time, and be welcomed into His presence.

It will come as no surprise to you that much of your success is dependent upon your focus in life. However, it may astonish you that what Jesus centered on -- what brought him victory -- was joy! He knew the purpose for which He had been sent --- to be our Savior that we might live freely and for eternity with Him. He was able to face the cross by looking past it to the wonderfully joyous prospect of offering you and I a relationship with God and doing God's will.

And so, knowing the delight God takes in you, be happy to fix your concentration on Him today. Then, no matter what happens, He is the joy ahead of you. And focusing on Him will give you greater success than any other thing you can focus on, because you will share in His certain and eternal triumph. He doesn't see you where you are now, or who you are today. He sees you at the finish line... complete, whole, finished in Him!

Hebrews 12:2 -- "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross."

Blessings and peace,

November 12, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I saw the dolphins playing, the sand pipers feeding along the shoreline... every one peaceful and in harmony.

Isn't it amazing the harmony God planned for the world, and yet so many of us do not have the peace of God He planned for us. We walk in worry, anxiety, fretfulness, anger... not the peace He promised us for this life.

Why can we not trust Him and let Him be the Lord in our lives? He is our peace! As we focus on His word, He promises that we can have peace amidst the world of turmoil that we live in. We can take Him at His Word. If He says we can have peace in the storm, we can have it! Why don't we take that peace and apply it in our lives daily? Why do we try to carry what only He can carry?

Today as you walk your seashore of life, no matter what you may be facing, remember that He has provided a peace that will cover any obstacles that try to rob you of your joy! Today, rely on the peace that your Father has provided. It is truly the way to live victoriously in this world today, among the storms of life! Peace -- is yours from your Father!

Phillipians 4:6-7 -- "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."

Blessings and peace,

November 11, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the sunrise broke through the sky in a magnificent way. Another new beginning -- and nothing in this day looked the same as yesterday.

Another new beginning, as we are well on our way into November -- a new month has begun. Isn't it wonderful to know that every single day is a new beginning with our Father? Each day brings new and fresh promises, just as He spoke in His Word in Lamentations 3:23... they are new every morning, if we can only open our eyes and look for them!

What a wonderful word to keep in our hearts as we experience today. Every morning His compassion fails not! We are so blessed to know our Lord never tires of giving us a fresh start, a new beginning, no matter what we have experienced, or how many times it seems we have failed. To begin each day with that confidence -- that we are loved, cherished and so important to our Father -- should be something we meditate on and carry with us throughout every day!

Today as you walk your seashore of life, walk with confidence that today is a new beginning full of love from your Father. That should put a skip in your walk! And don't forget to share the blessing with others -- they may just be needing a new beginning for their life!

Lamentations 3:22-23 -- "Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassion fails not... They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

Blessings and peace,

November 10, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched two sandpipers fighting over the same fish, they were pulling it apart and neither of them were going to win. It was a battle tearing them apart and not meeting their needs.

It reminded me of how we get separated from God as we try to serve the world and serve Him in our daily lives. You know His word says that we cannot serve two masters. When your heart is divided between two goals -- or two leading influences -- you will not have peace. They will always battle against each other to hold you, which will encumber you with inner conflict.

My friend, do you have something in your life that is competing with God for your affections? As yourself: What does it offer that God cannot provide? What need does it fill that God cannot satisfy better?

You will undoubtedly find that whatever your second master, it is always going to fall short of God's promises to you. So today, choose to leave it behind. You will only be truly free when your devotion is completely undivided.

Psalm 86:11 -- "Teach me Your way, Lord, and I will live by Your truth. Give me an undivided mind to fear Your name."

Blessings and peace,

November 9, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the colors of the sunrise were glorious. It seemed as though He had opened up the windows of heaven for a peek of what is to come.

You've thought about Jesus entering into your situation, now imagine dwelling in His. Picture His glorious home in heaven where there is no suffering or sadness -- no tears, troubles, or regrets. It's far more lovely, wondrous and opulent than anything could ever be here on earth.

Contemplate living in God's joy and peace for all eternity -- together with loved ones you'll never be separated from again. Visualize praising Him with people from evry nation who are also filled with adoration for Him.

God is preparing you for His everlasting Kingdom and constructing a special place for you that you can forever call home. So begin knowing and worshiping Him now -- you can't ever have too much practice.

Psalm 84:10 -- "A day in your courts is better than a thousand elsewhere."

Blessings and peace,

November 8, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I listened to the sounds of the sea gulls calling across the ocean waves. I could hear them clearly, but today, I wanted to hear the voice of God.

Why is it that at times God appears to be altogether quiet? Even though you are seeking Him wholeheartedly, why does it seem like He's gone completely silent?

Friend, you desire to hear God, just as I do. And that is wonderful. However, there are times when His silence will do more to grow your faith than anything else. That is when I become most still... to be sure I can hear His voice. That is because during these time, we must continue to do as He instructed and exercise our trust without any outside encouragement from anyone but His silence.

It is difficult, but you can depend on His trustworthy character and lean on His truth, love and grace. Take heart -- He's still working on your behalf, even when you can't seem to hear Him. And when you see how much He's done for you, it will speak volumes to your quiet soul.

Psalm 83:1 -- "O God, do not keep silent; do not be still, do not be quiet."

Blessings and peace,

November 7, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the sunrise was so beautiful I couldn't help but think of Psalm 19 that tells of the glory of God.

I wanted to just share it with the worshippers today: "The heavens are telling the glory of God; they are a marvelous display of His craftsmanship. Day and night they keep on telling about God. Without a sound or word, silent in the skies, their message reaches out to all the world. The sun lives in the heavens where God placed it and moves out across the skies as radiant as a bridegroom going to His wedding, or as joyous as an athlete looking forward to a race! The sun crosses the heavens from end to end, and nothing can hide from its heat.

"God's laws are perfect. They protect us, make us wise, and give us joy and light. God's laws are pure, eternal, just. They are more desirable than gold. They are sweeter than honey dripping from a honeycomb. For they warn us away from harm and give success to those who obey Him.

"But how can I ever know what sins are lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. And keep me from deliberate wrong, help me to stop doing them. Only then can I be free of guilt and innocent of some great crime."

Psalm 19:14 -- "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer."

Blessings and peace,

November 6, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I saw a shell that was covered with smaller shells that had attached itself and become inbedded in the shell. They covered the beauty of the shell -- because of all the attachments that covered it.

I know that is the way we are in our lives at times. We become so weighty with the issues of life. We forget that we are created to be free and not carry these weights with us. He says for us to turn all our cares over to Him. He is able to carry them, while we are only stopped when we take on every burden, every care, every challenge. Our Father did not create us to carry these things we allow to attach to us. We no longer look like the beautiful creatures He had in mind when He thought of us. We look like that shell -- covered with sadness, unforgiveness, worry, anxiety, bitterness, wrong thinking, wrong choices, wrong relationships... all of the things we allow to keep us from being full of joy, peace and love!

Today as you walk your seashore of life, shake off those shackles you are carrying and turn them over to Jesus. He has freedom provided for you! Become free today and live again!

1 Peter 5:7 -- "Casting all your anxiety upon Him because He cares for you."

Blessings and peace,

November 4, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the beach seemed to be at such a peaceful state. The waves were gently lapping the sand and quietly rolling back into the depths of the ocean as though Jesus Himself was whispering to me -- all is well and you are covered with my mercy forever!

Today, as you walk your seashore of life, think of the gift of God's mercy, no matter where you find yourself. What has been done in your life is done, and you need to live accordingly. If you lost your temper yesterday, quit dwelling on it. You cannot undo that so ask for mercy and forgiveness, then declare that today you will do better! It is a new day... don't go to work today with issues or mistakes from yesterday tied to your shoulders. If you didn't get that promotion, declare it is still a new day and God must have something even better in store for you.

Be responsible for your words or actions and seek forgiveness for those things you have done to others, then move forward with confidence, know God has enough mercy to cover "all" your mistakes. If you have done all you can do to fix something, then you must simply leave it up to God and trust Him to be your ambassador! Release yesterday to Jesus -- receive His gift of mercy today and live your best life today... this is the only day you can live today!

1 Chronicles 16:34 -- "Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! His mercy endures forever!"

Blessings and peace,

November 3, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the air was crisp and cool touching my face reminding me that each day is a new day! Every day started with a pure heart, free of anger and unforgiveness, is an exciting new chance to live life to the fullest!

Scripture instructs us to put on a fresh new attitude every morning, especially in our relationships. Don't let little things build up. Don't harbor unforgiveness and resentment. Don't allow bad attitudes to develop, even those that may seem insignificant to you, because over time that bitter attitude will build and end up causing you major problems. You have to do your best to keep your own heart free and clean, or eventually anger and bitterness will show up and affect your relationships.

Each morning, forgive the people who have hurt you. Each morning, let go of your disappointments and setbacks. Each new morning, receive God's mercy and forgiveness for the mistakes you have made, and forgive others for the hurts they have inflicted on you. Today, focus on your possibilities; focus on what you can change rather than what you cannot change.

Ephesians 4:26 -- "In your anger do not sin; do not let the sun go down while you are still angry."

Blessings and peace,

November 2, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, there seemed to be no end to the ocean as I looked across the horizon of waves. But I knew there is an ending just as there is a beginning.

The promise that God makes a thing beautiful in His time necessarily indicates that there are unpleasant moments. There will be moments of waiting, being patient, and walking by faith on His calendar, not ours. New beginnings are generally tinged with some adventurous excitement and discovery, and yet they are also full of unknowns and uncomfortable adjustments.

During the middle times, mundane toil can overwhelm and dishearten. However, if the focus is God, wonderful, sustaining graces -- such as patience and endurance -- will be developed during the journey. It is in the end -- in the bittersweet of looking back -- that you can see the true beauty of the process during your journey.

Wherever you are on the path today, look for the beauty in it. From beginning to end, God makes it possible for you to keep your eyes on Him, knowing He will take you to the other side of your promise!

Ecclesiastes 3:11 -- "He has made everything beautiful in its time."

Blessings and peace,

November 1, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched a lone little sandpiper wander from the flock of his family. He seemed to be out of place and wandering in circles.

After great victories, defeats and even during times of waiting, you will sometimes feel far from God, perhaps even unworthy of His presence.

It can happen when you have not spent any time with Him. Sometimes you will feel that way when you have been serving Him faithfully, but the work has replaced Him as your focus. You are more preoccupied with tasks and not the Father Himself. He said to "believe" not "do".

Yet no matter how far from God you feel, He is really only one turn away -- the move your heart makes back to Him. His loving arms are always outstretched toward you, and He wants you to realize that He always wants you back. You are usually the one who moved out of range, not the Father! He is always there, and always the same -- yesterday, today and forever! We are the wanderers... in and out... up and down... not the Father!

Today, run into His open arms. You'll be glad you did. He is waiting for you!

Psalm 139:7 -- "Where could I go from Your Spirit? Or where could I flee from Your presence?"

Blessings and peace,