January 2010 Seaside Devotions Archive

January 31, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I realized the first month of this year is over! The waves were being pushed by the wind...it seemed to be the same with us in the spirit -- we are being propelled into destiny by the wind of the spirit!

As we move forward, we must keep our focus on Him. We have the freedom and ability to choose what we focus on every moment of the day! We are the only creation on the earth that has been given this ability...that proves that we are created in His magnificent image!

Let the goal of this day bring every thought captive to Jesus. Let's bring every thought that wanders into the presence of our King. In His presence every fear, every concern, every worry, every anxious thought shrinks into nothing. Judgmental thoughts become thoughts of love and compassion. Confused ideas become untangled as we rest in His peace that passes all understanding. He will guard us and keep us in constant peace as we focus on Him. Let Him become your mindset today!

Isaiah 26:3 -- "You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Him."

Blessings and peace,

January 30, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched the waves consistently move in and out of their borders . . . never going beyond what boundary God had set! He never changes what He has set in place! And isn't that wonderful?

I thought of promises for the new year that we are believing Him for and holding in our hearts! Remember this -- If He says it, He will surely do it. So what promises has He made to you personally? Write them down and put them before the Lord and remind Him of His words to you!

You may be encouraged by the assurance that God will never leave you or forsake you. He states that when God is your delight, He will give you the desires of your heart. He has placed those desires in your heart -- and He will surely fulfill them! So do not give up and lose heart as you walk this year out!

Today, as you walk your seashore of life, know that God will never forget or break His word. He will see it done in your life. Yes, He will!

2 Corinthians 1:20 -- "No matter how many promises God has made, they are 'Yes' in Christ."

Blessings and peace,

January 29, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I walked across a path that had been washed away by the pounding waves. It was covered with lots of seaweed and broken shells . . . leaving signs of the oceans damage.

I thought of how we look when we have been attacked by our adversaries. God does not want to bring you out of our adversities all beaten up and bedraggled; no, we are not simply survivors, we are "more than conquerors" (Romans 8:37). He wants to bring us out promoted and increased, with abundance. Beyond that, God wants to make the enemy pay for the wrongs done to us. God wants to bring us out to a flourishing finish.

Today, if you are in a tough situation, you need to develop a restoration mentality. Mentally encourage yourself that God is going to turn your situation around. Remind yourself that you don't just defeat the enemy; you gather up the spoils. Know that your Father will bring you out stronger, healthier, and happier than ever before.

Isaiah 57:18 -- "I have seen his ways, but I will heal him; I will guide him and restore comfort to him."

Blessings and peace,

January 28, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I was reminded that our lives are but a vapor in the earth. We need to make the most of every day we live and enjoy to the fullest.

Our time here on this earth is so short. What a shame it would be to allow something that happened in the past to ruin one more day. If you get stuck in a traffic jam, which you can't undo, know that God is still in control. If somebody offends you, your attitude should be, I'm not going to let it sour the rest of my day. No, I'm traveling light; I'm not going to carry any extra burdens.

Today, let's make up our mind to do our best to enjoy every single day. We might make mistakes; things may not always go our way. We may be disappointed at times, but we can make a decision that we are not going to allow what does or doesn't happen to us to steal our joy and keep us from God's abundant life!

Psalm 90:12 -- "So teach us to number our day, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

Blessings and peace,

January 27, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the ocean was such a vast mass of waves. It was hard to just focus on one thing because I saw so much before me . . . but I heard the Lord saying, "Focus on what you want for this year and keep it before you."

God is extremely interested in what you see through your "spiritual eyes." If you have a vision for victry in your life, you can rise to a new level. But as long as your gaze is on the ground instead of on your possibilities, you risk moving in the wrong direction and missing out on the great things God wants to do in your life.

We move toward what we "see in our minds." Your life will follow your expectations . . . what you can see with your spirit! What you expect is what you get. Today commit to raising your level of expectations and you will enlarge your vision. This can be the year you see your dream come to pass . . . keep it before the Lord and let Him bring that thing to pass!

Colossians 3:2 -- "Set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth!"

Blessings and peace,

January 26, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the beach was quiet -- no crowds -- just Jesus and me! It was such a still and quiet time.

I thought of how we get lost in the noises surrounding us daily. There are so many voices that cry out for our time . . . from the moment we awake. The jobs we have, the children, the day to day life, husbands, day to day demands that are not on the schedule begin to scream for our attention the minute our eyes open!

We seem to somehow lose our way because we do not hear His voice amidst the turmoil of this life. He says for us to "be still and know that He is God." That tells me we have to make the effort to come away to hear Him. Otherwise, we will not know what He is leading us to do! That is how we become confused, afraid, depressed, oppressed, and lost. We become wanderers in the wilderness and are not effective here in the earth!

Today make an effort to be make to "be still and hear His voice" and let Him do the leading! He has been waiting for you -- to speak into your life. He is God . . . and He does speak when we allow Him to.

Psalm 46:10 -- "Be still and know that I am God."

Blessings and peace,

January 25, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, again I felt God saying "your dreams are coming to pass. Trust me."

If you don't think your dreams will ever come to pass, they never will. If you don't think you have what it takes to rise up and set that new standard, it's not going to happen. The barrier is in your mind, which the Scripture calls a "stronghold." It's a wrong thinking pattern that keeps us imprisoned in defeat. And that's why it is so important that we think positive thoughts of hope, faith, and victory.

Perhaps somebody has spoken negative words into your life. Maybe someone has told you that you just don't have what it takes to become successful. Reject those lies wherever you find them. After all, if God is for you, who dares to be against you? Break through those limitations and let your mind dwell on fresh, positive attitudes of faith! And watch your dreams for 2010 become a reality!

2 Corinthians 10:4 -- "The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds."

Blessings and peace,

January 24, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I wanted to hurry along. I felt the Holy Spirit gently speak to me and say, "Slow down."

Human nature tends to want everything right now. We are always in a hurry. Most of us get impatient when we miss a turn on a revolving door! When we pray for our dreams to come to pass, we want them to be fulfilled immediately. But we have to understand, God has an appointed time to answer our prayers and to bring our dreams to pass. And the truth is, no matter how badly we want it sooner, no matter how much we pray and plead with God, it's not going to change His appointed time. It's still going to happen on God's timetable.

Because we sometimes don't understand God's timing, we live upset and frustrated, wondering when God is going to do something. "God, when are you going to change my husband? When are you going to bring me a mate? When is my business going to take off? When are my dreams going to come to pass?"

Consider this . . . if you know you are going to have to wait anyway, why not make a decision to enjoy your life while you are waiting? Why not be happy while God is in the process of changing things? After all, there is nothing you can do to hurry the process . . . today slow down, and be happy! Let's trust God to bring these things to pass, and enjoy our walk with Him.

Habakkuk 2:3 -- "...though it tarry, wait earnestly for it, because it will surely come."

Blessings and peace,

Jan 23, 2010

As I walked the seaside today with Jesus today, I felt the love of my Father, holding my hand as we walked together.

I was reminded of the commandment to love the Lord God with all our hearts, souls and strength. If He told us to do this, He also made provision to give us the will and ability to do this! And as we love our Father, He also will give us the ability to love others as we love ourselves. It is such a simple way to live in a world without love -- to just walk in His love daily.

Think of the way you love others . . . is it if they are perfect, or pretty, or successful? Or is it because they deserve to be loved because we are commanded to love them? Think of how you love others . . . and then compare it to the way your Father in heaven loves you. Is it because you are perfect, pretty or successful that He loves you? No -- it is because you are imperfect, broken, and needy -- and will not be able to survive in this world without His love that perfects you and me.

Today as you walk your seashore of life, determine to love God -- with all your heart, and reach outside of yourself and love those around you with the love of the Father. Then you will be able to see His love abound in every area of your life! This is His commandment -- to love! Be blessed as you walk in this love. . . His great love!

Matthew 22:37 -- "Jesus said, 'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind!'"

Blessings and peace,

January 22, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the walk was long and seemed to be stretched even further than previous days . . . but the goal was to finish and not quit!

God gave Abram's father an opportunity to go to the place of His blessing -- Canaan. But instead of going all the way with the Lord, he chose to stop and settle in Haran. Many believers do what Terah did. They start out for one place and settle somewhere else along the way.

It is easy to get excited when God first directs you to do something. But many times you never finish what you start because the road gets difficult. It would be nice to reap the benefits of the journey without actually having to leave your comfort zone but it doesn't work that way. To receive your blessings, you must be willing to push on through to the finish.

Genesis 11:31 -- "And Terah took Abram his son, Lot the son of Haran, his grandson, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, his son Abram's wife, and they went forth together to go from Ur of the Chaldees into the land of Canaan, but when they came to Haran, they settled there."

Blessings and peace,

January 21, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I kept looking back to see where I had been and how far I had walked. I didn't seem to cover as much territory looking back as I do staying focused moving forward.

Ecclesiastes 3 tells us there is a time for everything -- a time to week and a time to mourn, a time to laugh and a time to play. You'd be coldhearted and lacking compassion if you experienced loss anf felt nothing. But after a while you just let go of what lies behind and press forward. If you don't, the past will destroy your future.

God said, "Moses My servant is dead. So now arise (take his place), go over the Jordan, you and all this people, unto the land which I am giving to them, the Israelites. Every place upon which the sole of your foot shall tread, that have I given to you, as I promised Moses" (Joshua 1:2-3). Like the children of Israel, God wants you to let go of the past and take new ground. Don't spend the rest of your life mourning something you have lost. Go forward and don't look back.

Psalm 30:5 -- "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning."

Blessings and peace,

January 20, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I could only be grateful for all that our Father has given us to enjoy on the earth. The blessings seemed to overwhelm me . . . even though the day was a gray day.

Jesus reminded me that every day we make a choice to think what thoughts we think. We can think -- today is a gray day and I am going to be blue. We can think the world is upside down and we are a hopeless society. We can think I am never going to find that perfect mate to share my life with. We can think I have no hope for tomorrow because of the circumstances in my life today. There are many many thoughts that can keep your spirit gray -- if you make that choice! After all, it is what you chose to think on!

Or -- we can think, today is the day our Lord has made and we will rejoice and be glad in it! We are blessed to live for a Father in heaven that has provided all we will ever need. He gave His son that we might have life and have it more abundantly! We have the choice every day to think on what He has done and what we have to be grateful for -- every day! What do you chose to think on today -- the world's thoughts of worry, stress, disaster, confusion -- or His thoughts of goodness, hope, mercy and grace! It is your choice -- choose His thoughts today!

Proverbs 23:7 -- "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Blessings and peace,

January 19, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I found a beautiful sand dollar lying there as though He had sent a gift to me.

I thought of the gift He has put in each of us to use in the earth to bless others. It seems at times we are jealous of other's gifts because we are not satisfied with what He has given us. That is not pleasing to the Father.

He has given each of us what He wants us to have, and that should be enough. We should rejoice and ask Him daily how to use the gift we have . . . not like children wanting the other person's gift! We could accomplish so much more if we would just be what He has created us to be . . . unique creatures, each unlike any other, and move in what we have been given. Wouldn't that make the world an easier place to live?

Today, as you walk your seashore of life, think of the gift He has put in you. Are you using it? Or are you focused on someone else's gift? Change your thoughts today -- and put you gift to work. You will see Him be pleased when you use your gift! It will be pleasing to the Father -- to see you in action with the gift He has placed in you!

John 3:27 -- "John answered and said, 'A man can receive nothing (gifting) unless it has been given to him from heaven.'"

Blessings and peace,

January 18, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched the ocean waves rage with white caps on every peak.

The power behind the movement of the ocean reminds me of the power of the Mighty God we serve! God's enormous might is sometimes shown in earth-moving events. However, the greatest display of His strength is how specifically and methodically He heals you.

This discovery comes as you humbly listen for Him. He speaks a theme to your heart, and then reminds you of it through songs, Bible reading, and other people.

It is then that you realize how much more He knows about what you need than you do -- and that He is gently repairing divides in your heart that were previously hidden from your notice.

God's amazing power, then, subtly coordinates all things in order to gently heal your heart. Thank Him for taking care of you today!

Psalm 86:11 -- "Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name."

Blessings and peace,

January 17, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the daylight was shining through the fog as I saw glimpses of the sun sparkling on the water as the clouds began to part.

I thought of how we are carriers of light . . . we are citizens of spiritual daylight. We no longer need to hide ourselves or our actions in darkness where there is no real armor, only the constant threat of being revealed. Rather, because of the brightness God has given us, our impenetrable protection now comes from faith and love.

Think of that in terms of the campaigns we encounter in life. We do not have to rely on covert strategies in order to advance to victory. It is our trust in God and care for others that exalts us.

Today, as you walk your seashore of life, embrace the new rules of engagement. Concentrate on shining goodness into other people's lives. Be the sunlight in their lives today!

1 Thessalonians 5:8 -- "We belong to the day. So we must stay sober and let our faith and love be like a suit of armor."

Blessings and peace,

January 16, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, He reminded me that today many are led astray because they do not know the truth of what life is really about.

Truth is the only thing that will set us free to live life as God planned it. But today we hear many excuses for living otherwise. Some of these excuses are well, everybody is doing it; do unto others before they do it unto you; if I didn't have bad luck, I would have no luck at all. All of these are excuses from living a life of truth from our Lord and Savior.

These are never words or excuses you would hear coming from Him. These are all excuses from accountability to yourself and to those around you. Today, you need to know the truth and be true to yourself. This is the only way we will ever make a difference in the world we live in!

Today make it your goal to seek the truth about life . . . He will show you the truth and the way to live. You cannot live a balanced life with success unless you face the truth of where you are, who you are, and what He says about you. This is the only way to be free!

Today become a Warrior for the truth! The Warrior's belief is constantly being aligned with the truth! The Warrior will always know where he/she stands in life! Become that Warrior for truth today and be free!

John 8:32 -- "You will know the truth and the truth will set you free."

Blessings and peace,

January 15, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I was focused on the incredible rays of sun that sparkled across the waves of the ocean. I couldn't take my eyes off the rays that seemed to open heaven over the ocean, my focus did not change during my walk.

It will come as no surprise to you that much of your success is dependent upon your focus. However, it may astonish you that what Jesus centered on -- what brought Him victory -- was joy! He was able to face the cross by looking past it to the wonderfully joyous prospect of offering you a relationship with God and doing God's will.

And so, knowing the delight God takes in you, be happy to fix your concentration on Him today. Then no matter what happens He is the joy ahead of you. And focusing on Him will give you a greater success than any other, because you will share in His certain and eternal triumph.

Hebrews 12:2 -- "Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross."

Blessings and peace,

January 14, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I felt the love of God submerge my soul along the quiet beach. It is amazing how at moments of solitude you can feel the presence and love of God in such a tangible way.

The moment you believed in God, all of His goodness and grace were given to you. In a sense, you were clothed with them -- as if a spiritual garment covered you.

All of the joy, power and approval -- all the cherished characteristics associated with God -- were conferred upon you.

This may be difficult to grasp if you have been reminded of failings or have not previously viewed yourself in such a positive light. However, this is not about you -- but about the effect God has on you.

Be encouraged today -- no one can take away what God has given to you. His complete love and approval are yours forever, so rejoice and delight yourself in Him.

Mark 1:11 -- "I take delight in you."

Blessings and peace,

January 13, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I felt the quiet and loneness of the beach. What a place to be . . . alone.

Left alone! What different emotions these words bring to mind for each of us! To some they mean loneliness and grief, but to others they may mean rest and quiet. To be left alone without God would be too horrible for words, while being left alone, with Him is a taste of heaven! And if His followers spent more time alone with Him, we would have spiritual giants again.

Our Master set an example for us. Remember how often He went to be alone with God? And there was a powerful purpose behind His Command! "When you pray, go into your room, shut the door and pray."

Today, earnestly desire to get alone with God. If we neglect to do so, we not only rob ourselves of a blessing but rob others as well, since we will have no blessing to pass on to them! Take the time today, and let Him speak to you in your quiet time . . . you are assured of the blessing of His presence & power!

Genesis 32:24 -- "So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak."

Blessings and peace,

January 12, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I realized the depth of the ocean is far more than we could ever fathom. I paralleled it to our relationship with Jesus Himself.

The Lord did not say how deep we are to step into the water. The depth of the water into which we sail depends upon how completely we have cut our ties to the shore, the greatness of our need, and our anxieties about the future. Yet the fish were to be found in the deep, not the shallow water.

It is the same with us -- our needs are to be met in the deep things of God. We are to sail into the deep of God's Word, which the Holy Spirit will open to us with profound yet crystal-clear meaning. And the words we knew in the past will have an ocean of new meaning, which will render their original message very shallow.

The deep waters of the Holy Spirit are always accessible, because they are always flowing. Will you claim afresh and anew today to be immersed and drenched in these waters of life? Why not jump in today? He is waiting to meet you there!

Luke 5:4 -- "Put out into the deep."

Blessings and peace,

January 11, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I was reminded that this is the beginning of a new decade. In new beginnings we always have choices to make as we begin a new path!

Today can you look at your life and see that you have choices to make in this new year! What choices will you make that will change your life and the lives of those around you? How will you impact the place you are in for the Kingdom of God? Whose life will you bring from darkness into light? How will you be a more effective ambassador for God in the New Year?

Are you thinking of these things or are you thinking of how you can make more money, have more things, delight in more pleasure? What are you focused on this day? It is time for us to take a stand and make a difference in the places we live! We need to be about our Father's business -- the business of winning souls and shedding light wherever we are! The time is short and we have a job to do for the King! Let's make the right choices in this new year!

Joshua 24:15 -- "Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve . . . but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

Blessings and peace,

January 10, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, my mind seemed to wander here and there . . . unable to stay focused.

That seems to be the way we are at times . . . wanderers because we let our minds take us wherever we want to go. Our Father says, "As a man thinketh, so is He." So it is important that we determine where we want our minds to go, what we want our minds to think on! We make that choice every minute of the day.

What are your thoughts on? Worry about the new year, anxiety about things you have no control over, stress from just living in the world we live it? These are not the things He says for us to think on and these thoughts will never take us where we want to go! You will end up with ulcers, headaches, and disease if these are the thoughts you meditate on all day long!

Make a decision to think about what you want in life! Have positive thoughts! Think on good things! Have a mind of gratitude and joy and expect God to do what He says He will do in the earth! You have a book of promises to meditate on! These are the things He has instructed us to think on daily! These are the things that will change your direction in the New Year! Think good thoughts!

Proverbs 23:7 -- "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he."

Blessings and peace,

January 9, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I spotted a tiny tree that seemed to be dead . . . but a tiny sprout of green was showing on the very end of the limb.

It is much like our lives during the winter seasons. There seems to be very little activity in the winter months, and everything is dead. But if you know how life is, that is really when things are resting and waiting for spring to arrive. That is when the seeds are preparing to come alive!

But this is a wonderful season to make use of for spiritual growth. The winter months of our lives is a great time to be quiet with the Lord, to reflect on inner workings that may be taking place. It is a time to spend time getting to know the Savior in a deeper level . . . and let Him do the work in our spirits that we may need when other seasons we may be too busy to sit with Him.

Take notes today . . . does it seem to be the winter of your life . . . just as it is the winter season of nature? Take advantage of it, and let God speak to you during this time. That way, when spring arrives you will have growth that will take you to new levels in your spiritual walk. Don't despair but appreciate this season of life! God is doing awesome things in each of us as we draw close to Him and let Him do what only He can do!

1 Corinthians 15:36 -- "Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies."

Blessings and peace,

January 8, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I compared the sea that ebbs and flows with the tides to our emotions that seem to do the same thing in our daily lives.

Often our feelings and emotions are mistakenly substituted for faith. Pleasurable emotions and deep, satisfying experiences are part of the Christian life, but they are not the essence of it. Trials, conflicts, battles, and testings lie along the way and are to be counted not as misfortunes but rather as part of our necessary discipline.

Be sure to distinguish between the fact of God's presence and the feeling of the fact. It is actually a wonderful thing when our soul feels lonely and deserted, as long as our faith can say, "I do not see You, Lord, nor do I feel Your presence, but I know for certain You are graciously here -- exactly where I am and aware of my circumstances." Remind yourself again and again with these words; "Lord, You are here."

Trust God"s Word and His power more than you trust your own feelings and experiences. Remember, your Rock is Christ, and it is the sea that ebbs and flows with the tides, not Him.

Hebrews 10:38 -- "My righteous one will live by faith."

Blessings and peace,

January 7, 2010

As I walk the seaside with Jesus today, the wintry air forms a fog across the waves . . . which makes it hard to see the way to go at times. Isn't that the way our lives seem to be at times -- nothing but a fog! But God is there waiting to lead you if you are trusting and listening to Him. But He isn't going to lead and guide you through other people, although He will sometimes use someone else to confirm what you already have in your own spirit. He's going to lead you personally by His Spirit.

Sometimes we aren't willing to take responsibility of seeking God's guidance for ourselves. We want to look for an easy way out, and let someone else tell us what to do. That is never going to teach us to trust the Holy Spirit for ourselves. And that is what God wants -- a personal relationship with each of His children. He wants us to hear Him for ourselves and to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

How different life would be for each of us if we each would accept the responsibility to hear and heed what the Holy Spirit is saying to us. We could avoid so many trials and difficulties if we just follow that leading! What a challenge today -- stop, listen and heed what the Holy Spirit is saying to you! See how your life will change in the New Year as you follow that still small voice!

John 16:13 -- "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; . . . whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will show you things to come."

Blessings and peace,

January 6, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I watched the sea gulls flying as though they were running a race.

It made me think of the race we run in our life with Christ that each of us are called to run. We have to be patient to wait for God to bring to pass His purpose in our lives. There is a time and a season for all things (Eccl.3:1), and the time is not always now.

Someone might say, "But will things ever change? I know that God is preparing me, and I want to be faithful. But it seems that I've been in this place of preparation for such a long time. Will it ever be different?"

Just continue to trust in the Lord with all your heart and to run your race with patience. Don't try to figure out how and when God is going to fulfill His plan for you; pray about it, and as you need to know, He will reveal each step you need to take. Just learn to rest in faith and to flow with the Holy Spirit. Let God be the One to accomplish His will in your life.

Heb. 12:1 -- "let us run with PATIENCE the race that is set before us."

Blessings and peace,

January 5, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I felt the question in my spirit "What are you expecting for the New Year?"

This is a question I want to ask you today . . . "what are your expectations for the New Year?" Are you expecting the same old things in your life that have been there in years past. I feel the spirit of God telling us to bring our expectations to a higher level! He has great things planned for His children! He has untold blessings that we only have to believe to receive!

God says in His Word, "As a man thinketh, so is he." So what are you thinking? Are you thinking this year is going to be the same as the last year, or are you getting the mind of Christ and thinking on His level? Are you changing old thoughts into new thoughts? If not, let's get the mind of Christ according to Philippians 2:5 and let this mind be in you! Think bigger thoughts, believe for greater opportunities to come in this year! He has prepared great things and we don't want to miss them! Let's prepare in our hearts to receive all He has!

This is your year! This is the year of God's outpouring of His greatest blessings for you! Expect it, and be prepared to see blessings overtaking you! Remember -- He loves you and wants so much more for you than you can ever imagine!

Proverbs 23:7 -- "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he."

Blessings and peace,

January 4, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the word that was spoken to me was wisdom to live the new year as God has directed.

Wisdom is the principle thing, it is what we are told by Jesus. What a thought -- God wants to give us wisdom to live this life He has provided. And then He has given us the Word -- which is our manual -- which has all the wisdom we will ever need in order to live a successful life here on this earth.

But we have to be willing to open the Word and seek His guidance for whatever we may be facing . . . not just hope He sends us an answer. He has done all He will ever do to provide life abundantly for us. He gave us all He had, and then He sat down. It is up to us to seek and apply the wisdom He has given us in the "manual of life" . . . the Bible. We can't go to others all the time and expect them to give us the answers for our lives. We must go to the Master and He will answer us through His Word.

Let's decide to seek Him and get the wisdom provided for us in our "Handbook of Life" . . . already written and anointed by the Holy Spirit! There you will find the answers you need to live a life of success! There you will find everything you will ever need pertaining to your life here on earth! Find it and enjoy the abundant life He has provided!

Proverbs 2:5-7 -- "The Lord gives wisdom; out of His mouth comes knowledge and understanding. He layeth up sound wisdom for the righteous."

Blessings and peace,

January 3, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, the ocean seemed brisk, sharp and alive! It was as though Jesus was running with me, saying, "Let's run faster." Let's try to catch the waves.

As we reflect on the past, and move into the new life God is bringing before us, let's get geared up to run fast this year. I truly believe this is a year of suddenly . . . a year of surprises! God has such good things planned in this year for each of us. We must be prepared to run quickly as He comes along side us and gives us the visions, the dreams, the strategies to run with!

He is speaking to us in this time! He is speeding things up so we can accomplish much for the Kingdom of God. He is waiting on each of us to take the position He has assigned us and move forward! What is He calling you to do? What is in your heart? What has been holding you back and keeping you in a holding pattern?

It is time to fly! It is time to take our assignments seriously and trust God to provide as we move into the new year! Remind yourself what your dreams and visions are -- write them and put them before you and before God. He wants to touch what you do, but you must be in motion before He can bless it! He cannot steer a parked car, so let's put it in gear for 2010 and move forward! You will be amazed and astounded at what He wants to do for you once you step into place! It will take your breath away!

Habakkuk 1:5 -- "Look among the nations and watch -- Be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days which you would not believe, though it were told you!"

Blessings and peace,

January 2, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, there came a rest in my mind as I spent time with Him. After all, that is what the ocean is for -- to retreat and rest!

As you take time before the Lord as we move into the New Year, listen to hear what He is saying. He has direction for each of us . . . a purpose, a plan that will require that we hear His voice clearly before moving into our own plans for this year.

I was always one of those that went full speed ahead, and then asked God to bless whatever I had put my hand to. It didn't take long for me to figure out that that is not the way He wants us to operate! He must first be consulted, and then once we have His release, we can move into the plan with His blessing! That way, we are in agreement with God, not just our own plan, expecting Him to bless it when He was never included in the beginning!

This year, purpose in your heart to commit each endeavor to Him before you put it into action. That way, you and He will be in agreement, you will have peace and He will be the one in charge of the success you have this year! It is truly an amazing way to live life! Let Him be your daily consultant in all you do!

Proverbs 3:5 -- "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."

Blessings and peace,

January 1, 2010

As I walked the seaside with Jesus today, I felt as though the waves were taking me to a new place in time. They were crisp and white, just as a fresh wind from the throne room would be! My Father was speaking to my spirit about the New Year we have just stepped into!

Today as you experience the first day of the New Year, reflect on His goodness and all He has held you through in the past year . . . be grateful and grab hold of the new thing He is doing in this upcoming year! He has promised that He is doing a new thing . . . and we can forget those things which lie behind as we press toward the goal! Isn't it refreshing to know God never runs out of "new things?"

We can never move forward looking back, but we can soar with Him as we trust Him to take us to new levels in the Spirit this year! He has great things planned for us, and is always taking us from glory to glory! Let Him move you forward, not turning back to the things of the past . . . so you can reach those goals in the spirit realm that He is calling you to! He is there with the plan and your obedience! Let's make this the greatest year for moving into the things of God! What a great way to begin the year!

Philippians 3:13-14 -- "One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. Press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus!"

Blessings and peace,